DGFIP launches its “Confiance Plus” offer

28 January 2019

DGFIP launches its "Confiance Plus" offer: Is trust possible between businesses and the tax administration? Inovatic participated in a consultation led by DGFIP with companies from Yvelines to investigate the conditions for a trust-based relationship between the administration and businesses (ESSOC law). DGFIP thus offers companies the opportunity to secure, label fiscally and legally their growth plan with the support of administration experts. If it complies with the decision adopted by the administration, it will be protected against any rectification during an audit, and its application for an ITC rescript will be accelerated. The intention is good. But this means an increase in the number of tax officials. Thanks to its InovaClic platform, Inovatic will help the authorities save time when checking CIR files, time that can be allocated to this new support mission.

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